Introducing Electraglow's
The engine that will spin
your music to the highest heights !
The first and the only Guitar & Bass Pro Amp
roaring tubes in Class-D !
In demo at the
with the new Rainbow Hot Cool Box
Based on the AmpDiVa Technology
this original sound machine
is perfectly tailored with
KT88 or EL509 tubes and
customized cabinet colors
to match your best artistic
feelings and performances.
Be ready to take-off !
First published March 29th, 2017
Studio R.T.S. Rampin ing. Marco
Castions di Zoppola - FVG, Italy
from the Switching Tube Valley, with proud
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Tutti i diritti riservati - All rights reserved - 2017
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For direct contact and further technical questions
The Glowstar crew in Rome,
European Maker Faire 2017
(from left to right:
Mr. GPC (Venezia),
Ms. CP (Sydney),
Mr. MR (Venezia),
Mr. MD (Ancona))