Dear valued Visitor,
welcome to the renewed AmpDiVa web site
where you will find the most exciting
audio designs and developments
provided by the Studio R.T.S. Rampin ing. Marco
and handcrafted by its manufacturing arm
Raites Engineering srls.
Enjoy and have great time !

AmpDiVa Logo

Original Handcrafted
Audio Equipments

Customizable and collectibles
electronic audio devices
for DIY and audiophiles
who wish to discover new lands
in their beloved leisure fields.

In 2015 we disclosed a new method to design and build
electronic audio amplifiers based on switching tubes,
a totally New World in High-End Audio Experience

Handcrafted Custom Made
High End
Class-D Vacuum Tube Amplifiers

RTDA3 Real Time Digital Audio Amplitude Analyzer

Real Time Digital
Audio Amplitude Analyzer

Magic Voli Magic Voli Vintage Electronic Devices

Vintage Vu-meter and Metronome

Switchinglow Project
Revisited '22

SWitchinglow Project Revisited

The new DIY friendly version of the
Switchinglow Project

The AmpDiVa technology is also available for live music
under the Electraglow brand name

Professional Electric Guitar & Bass Head Amps

***** Latest news ! *****


May 10th, 2023: we are really proud to disclose
our study about Bipolar Diaphragm Grounded Stators
Electrostatic Loudspeakers

Click here to read the
most innovative
White Paper about ESL!

AmpDiVa, where

Are You looking for something really unequalled ?

Each rare AmpDiVa technology runs thanks to a flow
of deep knowledge, strong passion,
gentle feeling and sparkling innovation.

Became an AmpDiVa New World explorer !

The missing cornerstone in
Power Audio Amplifiers
and ESL

...still yet looking for something really uncommon ?

...still yet dreaming to be a Pioneer
riding on a New Land ?

If You would like to know more details,
please send an inquiry clicking here.

Questa pagina web, il nome AmpDiVa, i domain name e, il logo AmpDiVa sono proprieta' riservate.
Tutte le immagini, fotografie, disegni, diagrammi rappresentati in questa pagina web
sono proprieta' dello Studio R.T.S. Rampin ing. Marco
e sono concesse liberamente a terzi per fini di documentazione e studio
purche' sia citata la fonte.
Tutti i diritti riservati - All rights reserved - 2015

Le immagini pubblicate hanno meramente lo scopo di illustrare la tecnologia AmpDiVa
e gli apparati con essa realizzati e non sono vincolanti.
La tecnologia AmpDiVa, la sua documentazione e gli apparati con essa realizzati
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Studio Ricerche Tecnico Scientifiche Rampin ing. Marco

Raites Engineering s.r.l.s.
P.IVA IT01901530939
viale Rimembranza - S.Giovanni 34
33072 Casarsa della Delizia - PN